I started my day today exercising and watching TV as I lifted weights. Good Morning America was on and as they shifted from their light, cheerful, often inspiring and fun segments, they switched to the news. The broadcaster got only 9 words into his report before I changed channels.
On the screen was a graphic with 2 words in large type; ECONOMIC CRISIS. I put my hand on the remote the minute I saw this and listened as he said,"There is more evidence today of the economic crisis." Click! My decision to turn away from this report is one of 4 tips on how to be empowered in "this economy."
(Also see a companion article on the critical importance of self-care in "these times" published in the November 2008 Today's Chicago Woman.)
1. Empowerment comes from choice. What are your choices? Are you one of many who is feeling a sense of fear, panic, and distraction over the U.S. and world economy? It seems real in this moment and it is the result of years' of choices our countries and businesses have made. While it seems to be our reality and you see evidence in people losing their jobs, homes and businesses needing bailouts, you still have some choices. Many people are feeling victimized and powerless and it's understandable. Here's how it's a choice.
While external events may be out of your control, you can choose how to react, think, feel and act as a result of what you see. Your mindset is a choice. Stepping into a state of feeling empowered vs. powerless can affect the outcomes in your life professionally, financially, and in your relationships. There are opportunities all around you and only clear-thinking will help you see them and seize them.
As one of my business coaching clients, Dan Henrickson, an IT guru in Los Angeles, said today, "I can't do anything directly "out there," so I'm channeling my energy on what I can do in my own life. I'm reducing clutter, taking care of things that have been weighing me down, I'm focused on serving my clients even better and I'm getting more done. I have a lot of options. I'm putting myself in a safe place." What steps can you take today to make you feel and BE safer and happier?
2. Go on a low-information diet. It's great to be informed yet you don't need to listen to every economic and business broadcast on the subject. Notice that it's the media's job to hype the crisis, fear, panic and to scoop the next big piece of "evidence" to prove things are bad. Minimize your exposure and consider what inputs your mind, body and spirit are most motivated by and CHOOSE them. (* Concept taught in The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris.)
3. Focus on the present moment. * The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle. This is an amazing book, along with Tolle's more recent book, A New Earth. You can read them in any order. These books teach how a life of consciousness and being attentive to the moment you are living now can profoundly affect your life. Here's one of the most powerful messages and truths. Fear and it's many flavors like anxiety, panic, and overwhelm lives only in the past or the future. Fear comes when you relive, replay and perhaps regret past events or imagine, worry and project worst case scenarios onto events that have not happened yet.
Good news! Fear does not live in the present moment. In this consciousness you can slow down time, appreciate what is around you, focus on the task or experience at hand, and give your full attention to NOW. The ego is also less engaged, which often drives us to act out of fear (of how we look). Try staying present in your now at work today. While at a business meeting focus on someone speaking. Do not let your mind wander to 5 years or 5 weeks or even 5 minutes ago.
For today's world, see how you can view each moment and ask yourself, what is my choice on how to think and feel and respond right now? See how you do have choices and can notice ways to make yourself indispensable at work, to do those business development things you've been meaning to do because now it really matters, and find new ways to enrich your life without spending more. An example of being in the moment with money is to experiment with not using your credit cards and only spend the money you have now.
4. Choose your thoughts and language. Notice the words you speak about today's economy and top news issues. Whether you are a fan of the Law of Attraction or not, you may notice that if you bring your attention to negative things, you will not feel good. Your words affect your thoughts which affects how you feel and that impacts the way you act which impacts the outcomes you create. That is a powerful thought!
See how you can shift from using words like "crisis" and problems, lack, "not, don't, won't" and switch to talking about what you do have and what you want and how these positive things make you feel. Surround yourself with positive, optimistic people, inspirational messages or places and design your very own spiritual practices. Consider signing up for short, inspiring daily email quotes at www.Abraham-Hicks.com.
At this time of Thanksgiving in the United States, focus on all that is working, good, abundant, joy-filled. Celebrate all that you appreciate and anticipate. You are part of a grateful, positive energy being shared this week by many, many people. Bask in the glow and bring it into your life with new a new mindset and practices. It's your choice!
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